Monday, September 20, 2010

Ask Yourself : Are You Moist Enough?

Salam and Hello..

First of all what is moist? moist can simply said as slightly wet condition which is not dry. Usually skin, which is the largest organ of human body parts, always concern for moisture issue. Skin need to be 'feed' and treated to keep them moist!

Here I share to you my secrets to keep your skin in moist condition:

1. You can use cleansers or soap from natural based products. You can check through the ingredients and make sure to avoid harsh chemicals.

2. Drink and eat wisely can make you stay hydrated. Drink plenty of water and consume variety of nutritious foods can boost hydrated skin.

3. Try to avoid hot water like hot tubs and hot showers. Definitely it is another simple method to avoid dry skin.

4. Beware of these certain foods : Caffeine, alcohol and too much sugar, which could stimulate skin to be rehydrated.

5. Try to stop smoking (for smokers) or avoid being passive smoker (for non-smokers). The smoke can definitely contribute to dry skin.

* LAST BUT NOT LEAST, apart from the above steps, this step is among the simple yet effective methods to moisturize your skin:

APPLY SKIN LOTION to moisturize your skin!! I preferred using Vaseline skin lotion 'Total Moisture' to keep my skin moisture as it provides 10X more moisture than any usual body lotion..Fortunately, Vaseline skin lotion also come out with other ranges of choices: 'Aloe Fresh', 'Healthy White' and 'Intensive Rescue'. 
 Don't have to doubt with the results. I felt my skin very smooth and more radiant. My niece also love it when I touch my hand on her face! =)

moisture skin makes you beautiful


beautiful is happy




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