wow, I had a great day as since yesterday until today, I got 'free food' coz I attend my friend's wedding ceremony around kelantan.. One is around pengakaln chepa area, Baini's house and the other one is around Tumpat, my 2nd layer friends..ahaks..both of them made special menu called 'gulai daging'. It's dark brown plus black in colour and the taste quite good..emm for 2 days I have been eating! result: increased my cholesterol levels..=(.. I would like to wish congratulation for both lovely pairs. hope you guys will go through as a happy couple till the last breath..oops as usual, not forget the pics there, enjoy:
Friday, June 5, 2009
Sunday, May 31, 2009
joyful chelsea!~winner FA CUP 2009
finally, chelsea made it as a winner for FA Cup's a great moment and the team show their full spirit to win this cup.. thanks to drogba and lampard for the impressive when lamp confidently kick the ball, he knows that he will take it to the 2nd goal..lamp you really superb took some photos behind the winning cup..
Sunday, May 10, 2009
JALAN-JALAN around Kelantan
Today I got a chance to visit Pasar Siti Khadijah (PSK), Museum and Pantai Irama with my USM's friends: Baini, Na, Gisel. 1st trip to PSK, it's awesome cause there r variety of foods n clothes. I have to check out left, right, up and below =p.. here enjoy the pics:
PSK from above:
pose time:
mexico girls:
Door girls:
1st time experience with budu:
street models:

Monday, March 23, 2009
my own cupcake
finally I made my own cupcake yesterday..It's a great experience. I had a great time in the kitchen with my mum.. =). I made vanilla cupcake as it's the simplest recipe compare to other cupcakes. I just need butter, self-raising flour, egg, sugar, vanilla extract and milk. here I put some pictures of the flow process of my cupcake,,

Monday, March 16, 2009
favourite perfumes~
I went to mall last week to find new perfume. before this I used Clinique Happy. the smell is nice but too soft. so for my new one I want to choose the fresh with a bit heavy smell but still soft..=) I have finalise my choice to these 3 perfumes :
1. Nina Ricci Love In Paris
2. Marc Jacob White Daisy

3. Estee Lauder Exotic Pleasure

these 3 perfumes really smell good and until now I still can't make up my mind which one I will choose. If refer to the price, estee lauder is more affordable and economical. both nina and marc jacob quite expensive, only imperceptible changes in their price. hmm, which one i should choose? surprise!.. check out wif u all later.
Friday, March 13, 2009
not only me~but rooney too!
haha..I want to laugh when I first read the article from 'The Sun' this morning..It's seem that not only me hating Liverpool but Rooney also do hate liverpool since he was Roon saids: "I grew up an Everton fan, my whole family are Everton fans and I grew up hating Liverpool – and that hasn't changed"..

Wednesday, March 11, 2009
game over for juventus~ congrates chelsea!'s so amazing to watch chelsea moves to quarter's so beyond my expectation cause they play away. but anything can happen in, results!..of course i'm really happy for chelsea..hope they will stick with the good action until move to the semi final and final match..hopefully..=)

Saturday, March 7, 2009
my 1st try~new recipe
It's been an honoured to present my new recipe called 'special fish spicy sour'..=) I love this dish since my mom introduced it to me when I was young. But now, I made it independently. the taste is a bit sour but it's good. here I put some photos of my special recipe. the picture not so fancy~sorry but the taste is great!..=)

Friday, March 6, 2009
offer letter
Firstly, thank god cause fulfill my hope..finally I received my offer letter to pursue my postgraduate study in Anatomy field.. I can't wait to do a research about wound healing together with my 2 supportive supervisors..Dr.Farid & Dr.George. Previously, I have faced with a lot of obstacles regarding my issue to further study. however I still tough and at last I got the offer letter. I plan to register in 2 weeks time. so, now i really have to prepare my mental and physical very well to adapt with new study environment. hope luck always on my side..
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Definition : Any treatment of tissue necessary to impregnate them with a solid medium to
falicitate the production of sections for microscopy.
Aims : a) to embed the tissue in a solid medium
b) to enable the knife to cut the section with little damage to knife or tissue
4 major steps :
1. Dehydration
2. Clearing
3. Infiltration and Impregnation
4. Embedding
50% Alcohol - 1 ½ hours
70% Alcohol - 1 ½ hours
80% Alcohol - 1 ½ hours * can proceed to overnight at this step
95% Alcohol - 1 ½ hours
100% Alcohol I - 1 ½ hours
100% Alcohol II - 1 ½ hours
100% Alcohol III - 1 ½ hours
Equal Alcohol and Toluene - 1/2 hours
Toluene - Overnight
Paraffin I - 2 hours
Paraffin II - 2 hours
Paraffin III - 2 hours
falicitate the production of sections for microscopy.
Aims : a) to embed the tissue in a solid medium
b) to enable the knife to cut the section with little damage to knife or tissue
4 major steps :
1. Dehydration
2. Clearing
3. Infiltration and Impregnation
4. Embedding
50% Alcohol - 1 ½ hours
70% Alcohol - 1 ½ hours
80% Alcohol - 1 ½ hours * can proceed to overnight at this step
95% Alcohol - 1 ½ hours
100% Alcohol I - 1 ½ hours
100% Alcohol II - 1 ½ hours
100% Alcohol III - 1 ½ hours
Equal Alcohol and Toluene - 1/2 hours
Toluene - Overnight
Paraffin I - 2 hours
Paraffin II - 2 hours
Paraffin III - 2 hours
Thursday, February 12, 2009
spain won against england~

wow! marvellous.. spain made it again as european champion. no one can ever beat them.. with the world class of keeper, spain won by left zero to the opponents. haha. it's good to see villa plays well and also new 'fernando' makes a head kick for 2nd goal. spain really work as a team and they play very well. all are balance with spain whether striker, midfield, defend and keeper. if they play like this in each game, i possibly can say that they could win the world cup champion. but can they win against historic champs brazil?? still mystery and can't wait to watch international friendly match between spain and brazil cause they both have a great and talented players in the world.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
how to distinguish cells microscopically in endocrine system
here I got some tips to distinguish certain cells in endocrine part microscopically (H&E stain):
1. acidophil (hypophysis)- red colour
2. parafollicular cell (thyroid)- small cell between follicles, hav cytoplasm and nucleus around it.
3. chief cell (parathyroid)- purple colour
4. oxyphil cell (parathyroid)- red colour with cytoplasm
5. centro-acinar cell (pancreas)- look like fried egg shape, between acinus cell.
1. acidophil (hypophysis)- red colour
2. parafollicular cell (thyroid)- small cell between follicles, hav cytoplasm and nucleus around it.
3. chief cell (parathyroid)- purple colour
4. oxyphil cell (parathyroid)- red colour with cytoplasm
5. centro-acinar cell (pancreas)- look like fried egg shape, between acinus cell.
the winner is~

yesterday I had came out with the list of nomination for new manager of chelsea. then the winner is Guus Hiddink (Russian coach)..=).. OMG.. thank god it's not avram grant. but hiddink will hold the title for temporary period only until end of this season. then, who will be the next chelsea manager?? can't wait to see..always surprise happen in chelsea club..~
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
roman fires big phil!

it's a sad day for scolari as he gets fired by chelsea owner. but for a long term view, I do beleive that scolari was not suit for chelsea club. chelsea need another good coach to win the epl title back again. but hope the players not getting shocked or frustrated due to roman's decision. among the potential candidate to become chelsea new coach:
1.Guus Hiddink (Russia coach)
2.Avram Grant (ex-chelsea coach)
3.Gianfranco Zola (west ham manager)
4.Carlo Ancelotti (ac milan manager)
5.Roberto Di Matteo (former chelsea star)
6.Sam Allardyce
7.Sven-Goran Eriksson
8.Jose Mourinho (former chelsea manager)..but does he wants?? of course not!
9.Roberto Mancini
10.Frank Rijkaard (former barcelona boss)
1.Guus Hiddink (Russia coach)
2.Avram Grant (ex-chelsea coach)
3.Gianfranco Zola (west ham manager)
4.Carlo Ancelotti (ac milan manager)
5.Roberto Di Matteo (former chelsea star)
6.Sam Allardyce
7.Sven-Goran Eriksson
8.Jose Mourinho (former chelsea manager)..but does he wants?? of course not!
9.Roberto Mancini
10.Frank Rijkaard (former barcelona boss)
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Lamp free and Ron loves get boo
I was so happy to heard that Lampard has been freed from his red card. It's a good news but at same time I felt unhappy too cause chelsea still miss a chance to win against Liv just because Riley's eye problem and 'super cheater' Alonso.. so next time, ref should open their eyes wide and think twice b4 come out with the red card especially to chelsea player. meanwhile, I really attracted by ronaldo statements that he loves get boo by rival fans. tought that he will loss his focus during match but it's opposite. he really likes boo sound.. =) so next time, it will be no problem if man utd play match in rival place. .
haha love this article saying about liverpool
I pick this article from Manchester united official website.. here it is:
Paddy Crerand welcomed Liverpool's last-gasp win over Chelsea on Sunday.Prior to the Anfield clash, Sir Alex Ferguson had joked, "I hope they both lose, that would be a good result." But although the Merseysiders later emerged with all three points, Paddy still feels it was a positive outcome."Liverpool winning didn't bother me," said Paddy, in his Monday night show on MUTV."I would have preferred a draw but the one thing I didn't want was a Chelsea win because I think they're a bigger threat. I think Chelsea are a better all-round side than Liverpool."Optimistic fans of United's arch-rivals might point to a possible omen following Sunday's match, but Paddy won't be persuaded."There was a statistic on television, I think from Andy Gray (Sky Sports), that when Liverpool last did the double over Chelsea, they won the league. They've done it now this season but I honestly don't think Liverpool are a threat in the title race."The threat to United now is United themselves. Injuries and things like that are the only problem now. I fancy United strongly to win the league championship."
get off my back liverpool!..=)
Monday, February 2, 2009
poor chelsea~=(
this morning I watched the match bet. chelsea and liverpool. It's has been a tough time for Chelsea after red card throwed by ref to frank lampard. i really think that the ref maybe had colour blind coz he can't differentiate the red and yellow colour. try preview again and again the game, lampard did not has an intention to injured alonso. he just want to protect the ball. such a shamed and i really hate liverpool at this time. the hatest club in the planet would be i can't wait to see liverpool lost under manchester united. i support manchester united with 100% of hope. save your handkerchief, liverpool!! have one game in hand and still on the top spot. don't ever dream to catch the big fish when u can only afford to have small fish..haha. =)..I'm so tempered coz this morning, one of my friend send me a message and call chelsea as 'chelshit' club..u save your bad mouth friend! and whatever!.. ok see u in next macth.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Actually this is last week story but I don't have much time to post in my blog. so, here is it. I walked home as usual from work and passing from Monorel Titiwangsa to Star LRT. At 1st, I was stormed by the changes occured on the soil. there are lots of hole and make me quite confusing. here I snap some pictures about the scene I mentioned :.jpg)
Then, tomorrow at the same time and same place, as usual walked from work, there are big changes occured on the soil. I was quite surprise but then really happy cause our government do have an effort to preserve the environment and also indirectly save the earth.. Go GREEN!
here I snap some pictures after the scene:
here I snap some pictures after the scene:
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Monday, January 12, 2009
learning histology techniques..great!
today, I have got an opportunity to learn the techniques in histology staining from Mr.Masumi who is the Medical lab technology that expert in histopathology area.. I join the 3rd year students of biomedical science. they all are so lucky coz they are in 4 year programme so they do have enough time to learn a lot of things. I have snap some photos during the process.

histology process involve 3 main actions : fixation, sectioning and visualiztion.
FIXATION = to preserve the structure and components of tissue. fix in 10% formalin - put in 50% alcohol, 2hrs - 70% alcohol, overnight - put in 80% alcohol 1 1/3 hours - 90% alcohol 1 1/4 hours - 100% alcohol 1 1/2 hrs - 100% alcohol 1 hrs - xylene I 2hrs - Xylene II 2hrs - wax I overnight - wax II 2HRS - wax III 2hrs - blocking
SECTIONING = use cryostat/microtome. permeate in paraffin
VISUALIZATION = use suitable staining. most common staining is H&E

another lost!..bad time for chelsea..=(
I didn't had a chance to watch Man.united vs Chelsea last night.. But I do received goal alert from Maxis.. I think it's a miracle that I didn't watch the match coz Chelsea made another lost and now it's so awful with 3 goal stabbed by Man.U.. I think that there is something wrong with Chelsea.. Do no.. maybe they not too motivated or don't have high self confident.. or they got nervous each time play in rival place.. emm and I also have a thoughts that maybe Chelsea has been cursed by magic spelling that made them lost or draw in each game lately.. I really love Chelsea but seeing them lost/draw for 6times in a row really make me hurt.. I thought that after John Terry make a comebacks yesterday, Chelsea will improved but it's bad coz they make a same mistake again and again. it's really great at first when I knew that Liverpool draw with 0-0 against Stoke, so maybe if Chelsea win, they can fight the 1st place in EPL'S table.. but poor Chelsea lost the chance to Man.U..and I can felt that Chelsea couldn't even enter the final round or be the runner-up if this mistake happen again. I had a strong feeling dat it will be Man.U and Liverpool in the end..ooh maybe Man.U can still hold their position as best club in Europe?..who knows..Chelsea back up! stop dreaming!.
Friday, January 9, 2009
SOGO Shopping spree~so many people!!
today during lunch hour I go to SOGO with Azura coz SOGO is celebrating their 15th birthday..SO, only the members can enter it.. I juz accompanied Azura and do window shopping.. It's so bad coz I have spent a lot of money by shopping in JB..It's so crazy to see people in shopping marathon with full-loaded on their hand of plastic bags.. besides, I got a chance to snap some pictures of people doing their shopping.. haha it's kind of funny thing.. watch out!

shop! shop! shop!
so crowded!!..people queue
some people have start tired after marathon shopping..hehe
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