today, I have got an opportunity to learn the techniques in histology staining from Mr.Masumi who is the Medical lab technology that expert in histopathology area.. I join the 3rd year students of biomedical science. they all are so lucky coz they are in 4 year programme so they do have enough time to learn a lot of things. I have snap some photos during the process.

histology process involve 3 main actions : fixation, sectioning and visualiztion.
FIXATION = to preserve the structure and components of tissue. fix in 10% formalin - put in 50% alcohol, 2hrs - 70% alcohol, overnight - put in 80% alcohol 1 1/3 hours - 90% alcohol 1 1/4 hours - 100% alcohol 1 1/2 hrs - 100% alcohol 1 hrs - xylene I 2hrs - Xylene II 2hrs - wax I overnight - wax II 2HRS - wax III 2hrs - blocking
SECTIONING = use cryostat/microtome. permeate in paraffin
VISUALIZATION = use suitable staining. most common staining is H&E
